I have always had a problem with journaling, seems like too much gazing at one's own navel to me, but I will persevere!
I went to see Julie & Julia last night. Of course I hit http://www.rottentomatoes.com for all the reviews first. Almost without exception, the reviewers praised the Julia Child portions of the story and blasted the Julie Powell portions. They blasted Julie personally, which is not nice. I think they should have been a bit kinder. If there was a problem with those portions of the movie it was the director's problem. I give Julie Powell credit for using the tools at her disposal to try and do something, make something of herself, achieve something. Blogging is narcissistic but that is not the only descriptor of any blogger. I think the movie critics are reacting defensively to a threat to their domain - people who write online and who don't get paid for it. Incidentally I preferred the Julia Child bits also - I read "My Life in France" a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. The film didn't do it justice but that's often the problem when translating a book into a film. I loved the descriptions of Paris, the Cordon Bleu school, their parties. Julia is a bit of an inspiration because she was a late starter and I'm hoping that's what I'll be too! (How self-focused is that?)
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